The challenge is complete. In an anticlimactic finish today I hit my 100 miles and didn’t even realize it until I was at 101. I did the Star of India to Shelter Island ride and back with two loops of Harbor Island.
It was another perfect day on the bay. There was a light breeze. Mother nature had my back and made the grand finale easy.
Aunt Dena completed her challenge on Friday ending at 110 miles. She is the true champion of this challenge completing the ride in under 20 days, in Ohio in the bitter cold and snow of February. She is also 12 years older than I am, which makes her a double champion in my book.
I liked this Tour de Palm Springs virtual century and look forward to the live ride next year. In other news, I did not win the raffle. Boo.
#centuryride #bikerides #sandiego #wanderlust #shelterisland #sandiego #starofindia #portofsandiego #sdcoalition #Tdps21